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Other Books By

Lynn Ames



Final Cut

Bright Lights of Summer

Digging for Home

All That Lies Within

Above Reproach

Eyes On The Stars


One ~ Love

The Value of Valor

The Cost of Commitment

The Price of Fame




Beyond Instinct

ISBN: 978-1-936429-02-8

Paperback Price: $15.95

E-book Price: $9.95

Pages: 296

Genre: Lesbian Thriller


Vaughn Elliott is a member of the State Department’s Diplomatic Security Force. Someone high up in the United States government has pulled rank, hand-selecting her to oversee security for a visit by congressional VIPs to the West African nation of Mali. The question is, who picked her for the job and why?

Sage McNally, a career diplomat, is the political officer at the U.S. Embassy in Mali. As control officer for the congressional visit, she is tasked to brief Vaughn regarding the political climate in the region.

The two women are instantly attracted to each other and share a wild night of passion. The next morning, Sage disappears while running, leaving behind signs of a scuffle. Why was Sage taken and by whom? Where is she being held?

Vaughn’s attempts to get answers are thwarted at every turn. Even Sage does not know why she’s been targeted.

Independently, Sage and Vaughn struggle to make sense of the seemingly senseless. By the time each of them figures it out, it could be too late for Sage.

As the clock ticks inexorably toward the congressional visit, the stakes get even higher, and Vaughn is faced with unspeakable choices. Her decisions will make the difference between life and death. Will she choose duty or her own code of honor?




Final Cut

ISBN: 978-1-936429-12-7

Paperback Price: $14.95

E-book Price: $9.95

Pages: 308

Genre: Lesbian Fiction, Romantic Intrigue

Bright Lights of Summer

ISBN: 978-1-936429-10-3

Paperback Price: $15.95

E-book Price: $9.95

Pages: 284

Genre: Lesbian Historical Romance, Sports

Digging for Home

ISBN: 978-1-936429-08-0

Paperback Price: $13.95

E-book Price: $7.95

Pages: 55

Genres: Humor, Pets, Sports, Dogs

All That Lies Within

ISBN: 978-1-936429-06-6

Paperback Price: $15.95

E-book Price: $9.95

Pages: 300

Genre: Lesbian Contemporary Romance

Above Reproach

ISBN: 978-1-936429-04-2

Paperback Price: $15.95

E-book Price: $9.95

Pages: 264

Genre: Lesbian Thriller

Eyes on the Stars

ISBN: 978-1-936429-00-4

Paperback Price: $14.95

E-book Price: $9.95

Pages: 264

Genre: Lesbian Historical Romance


ISBN: 978-0-9840521-3-4

Paperback Price: $14.95

E-book Price: $9.95

Pages: 280

Genre: Romance

One ~ Love

ISBN: 978-0-9840521-2-7

Paperback Price: $14.95

E-book Price: $9.95

Pages: 256

Genre: Romance

The Value Of Valor

ISBN: 978-0-9840521-6-5

Paperback Price: $14.95

E-book Price: $9.95

Pages: 324

Genre: Lesbian Romantic Intrigue

The Cost of Commitment

ISBN: 978-0-9840521-5-8

Paperback Price: $14.95

E-book Price: $9.95

Pages: 300

Genre: Romantic Intrigue

The Price of Fame

ISBN: 978-0-9840521-4-1

Paperback Price: $14.95


Pages: 288

Genre: Romantic Intrigue